October 11-13, 2021 - Midway, Kentucky
HEI 2021 Presidents Conference
Disruption Through Entrepreneuring: Radical Transformation of Higher Education in a Just-in-Time World
Customized Services
HEI is a research- and solutions-based organization. HEI begins its customized services work by conducting an operational assessment of an institution or one or more of its divisions. We then propose customized solutions, based on the results of the assessment, to help your institution identify and implement innovative and entrepreneurial solutions to your most challenging issues. Solutions may include team coaching, one-on-one coaching, and entrepreneuring and innovation work with specific groups at the institution among others.
Many institutional leaders who seek customized services through HEI are graduates of our Entrepreneuring Series or participants of our Presidents’ Conference. However, this is not always the case. Whatever your need, HEI exists to help your institution make critical pivots, be more innovative and entrepreneurial faster and find greater success sooner.
Operational Assessment
Operational Assessment at the Institutional or Divisional Levels – ​HEI conducts three days of institutional assessments including a SWOT, focus groups, one-on-one interviews as well as data analysis and reporting. The results, including our top prioritized recommendations, are presented to the Chancellor/President within four weeks.
Enrollment Management Services
For most clients of this service, the challenge they are facing is decreasing enrollments. However, this is not the only reason to enlist HEI on the enrollment management side. With its customized solution, HEI works weekly with your enrollment management staff to overhaul (or refine) your enrollment management system including processes, forms and tools. HEI teaches your staff how to implement our proven processes, all of which are customized to fit your institution. Instead of writing a plan for you or recruiting and enrolling students for you, we work with your staff in groups and one-on-one so that your organization can do the work needed to be successful in this area.
Workforce Development Services
For some institutions, the challenge is to offer relevant workforce programs for the businesses and industry partners in their related areas. For others, the institution needs to build stronger relationships with economic development agencies, workforce boards, small business development agencies or others that – together with the institution – make up the local ecosystem that supports workforce development. Whatever your need, and through group and one-on-one mentoring, HEI helps you build solutions to address your institution’s and communities’ specific workforce development needs.
Faculty (and other Leaders) as Entrepreneur/
Innovator Services
Faculty are one of an institution’s greatest assets. An institution whose faculty are entrepreneurial and innovative – more often than not – have an edge over the competition. During this on-site workshop, HEI collaborates with faculty to apply entrepreneurial concepts and an innovation framework to create innovative solutions that address your biggest challenges. Faculty are equipped with skills to proactively participate in the transformation process needed to successfully meet institutional goals.