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  • Dr. Mary Darden

Dr. Mary Landon Darden: The Higher Education Futurist Redefining the Status Quo

Higher education has served as a global catalyst for change for decades. Its role is undeniable in alleviating poverty, hunger, and disease, offering a path to an enhanced quality of life. However, to keep pace with the rapidly evolving needs today, it must transform—becoming more innovative, financially stable, relevant, flexible, responsive, and in-tune with societal demands. The transformed higher education landscape needs to embrace affordability, robust student support, and specialisation as imperative cornerstones.

While many institutions strive to innovate along these lines, they often fall short due to the lack of sustaining frameworks. Recognising this gap, visionary leader and education futurist Dr. Mary Landon Darden laid the foundation for Higher Education Innovation, LLC (HEI). HEI was designed to bridge this gap by providing the proven frameworks, tactics, and tools. Accelerating innovation, HEI propels institutions to new heights, ensuring sustained success in the dynamic higher education landscape. As a higher education futurist, author, speaker, and executive coach, Dr. Darden passionately crafts visionary solutions for challenges and opportunities within the higher education sector.

Read more at The Leaders Globe
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